Sales Management Training | Peak Performance Sales Training

Executable Strategies that Target the Problems Inherent in Sales

Sales Management Training Programs: We are a National Leader in Sales Training Programs, Sales Process Development, Selling Courses, Sales Management Training and Sales Recruiting. We are comprised of Former Business Owners & Company Presidents. We understand firsthand the Growth Barriers inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales Recruiting and the negative impact to your bottom line. Our Sales Process directly involves you, the Business Owner or CEO. We take into consideration and target not only Identified Sales Deficienciesbut also your desired growth rate and profit margin. At the end of the day what is important, is a sustained level of performance and production that will yield a desired growth rate with profits margins that fully justify your investment.

Sales & Sales Management Training, which most often is often treated as an event (Short Term Sales Seminars), rather than an Ongoing Sales Process. Professional sports teams make use of a Consistent Offense, a Consistent Defense and an agreed to set of plays. Without an Ongoing Consistent Sales Process you have placed your financial future into the hands of your sales people; people with good intent who utilize a wing it approach. This results in more time and more money for less profit!

Opposed to simply “knowing” more about a subject, which at best is the result of short term training, our focus is for each person to internalize and take “ownership” of the subject matter and process of selling. With a duplicate-able sales system, your company achieves real control opposed to managing sales chaos on a day to day basis. The Side Effect of control is Sustainable Growth. To begin the process of establishing real growth control and sales process consistency

The Peak Performance Sales Performance Process (SPP) is a Proven Sales Training System used to develop Sales and Sales Management Programs that lead to Sustainable Sales Performance. Our Sales Training System focuses on system implementation, changing mindsets, habits, routines and your results. Call us today at 866-816-0991 to discuss viable Training Options.

The Peak Performance Sales Training Differentiator is the depth of our Sales Training Customization, which ensures the support is aligned to your business, directed at  sales weaknesses and is specifically applicable even to your most experienced sales people.

At Peak Performance, before we begin to train, change, coach or work with any any Business Owner, Sales Manager or Sales Person we first access individual and group strengths and weaknesses to have a clear understanding as to what Executive Leadership, Sales Management or Sales specific issues must be targeted. This allows us to develop the Sales Training Program or Sales Management Training Program in a way that targets the problem providing real support.

“I have worked in Corporate Financial Services world with major corporations for 15 years. I have dealt with numerous Training Companies and attended countless “Sales Courses” and “Sales Seminars”. I am learning now that these were nothing more than Informational Product Sessions – for the first time I am really being taught how to SELL – Peak Performance Training and Development is teaching me to SELL – not to present, not to compare, not to consult – but SELL. Although I am new to the process and still learning the Peak Performance Sales System I am already seeing results in the way I approach meetings, customers and prospects. My only regret is that I didn’t learn this 15 years ago.” P.O. GE Financial

Sales Training Programs | Sales Management Training | Selling Courses

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