Business Obstacles: Why CEO’s Resort to Self-Destructive Strategies

Mistake # 1 They impact their margins by adding to their sales team opposed to solidifying their existing team who are under-performing.To add to ineffectiveness, they rely on past hiring criteria in order to increase the number of feet on the street.

Mistake # 2 They again negatively impact their margins by investing into more advertising and marketing campaigns instead of dealing with the problem of poor qualifying, poor closing skills, and poor follow up on leads previously developed. In effect they spend more to get more leads to have more opportunities to close less business!

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Mistake # 3 They rely on the optimism inherent in most sales people or on their gut feel regarding a sales candidate opposed to an objectively created system and structure. The goal is not to rely on hope that new rainmakers will simply appear, again at a significant cost to the company, but to close the gap of inefficiency found in the under-productive sales team. Opposed to implementing their financial future into a proven system, they put their financial futures into the hands of sales people who have consistently proven that their own personal routine is flawed. 

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